Smart Home

Smart Home

New technology is coming out seemingly daily. The modernization of these everyday items add sleek aesthetics, touchscreens, and phone accessibility to your home. From doorbells to robot vacuums, here are five ways to add technology into your home life!



We may only adjust it a couple times a month, but the thermostat plays a big part in our at-home comfort. Some have touchscreens and voice activation capabilities while more advanced ones have options to adjust the temperature from your phone whether you are watching a movie on the couch or at the theater. The most technologically capable ones are based off of motion sensors or geofencing, allowing it know when you are home or not. This automated system benefits you in turning the A/C or heat off when you are gone and back on when you return, eliminating hassle, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing utility bills.



While it used to be easy to ding-dong-ditch a house, smart doorbells allow you to see in real time as well as record exactly what’s happening outside your door. Even if you’re not inside, some systems allow you to pull up the live feed on you cell phone!



There are many smart devices on the market already but there are still some that haven’t quite made the list. Not to worry, you can turn almost any electronic device “smart” via an outlet! Just add this “middle man”, a little outlet adapter that can turn any lamp, blender, or even humidifier into a voice activated home essential. Some brands create outlets that connect directly to your phone or a smart hub.



Keys are one of the most misplaced items. Why not switch over to a door lock that opens either by code or geofencing! With a code, you can program different combinations for family members, friends, or even Airbnb guests. With the geofencing based models, you can tell your phone to unlock the door or it may sense that you are arriving at home and do it for you. If you have multiple people going in and out, the device can provide you with an activity log, giving you an extra sense of security.



Finally, eliminating a chore! There are many different models of robot vacuums available based on what type of surface it will be cleaning. Newer models also have upgraded technology to help them navigate better and suck up the stray dust bunnies in the corners. Some have a dock which acts as their home while they’re not tidying up! Others have a dual purpose and can mop the floors once the vacuuming is done. Even though you still have to provide routine maintenance on these devices, it’s sure easier than pulling out the vacuum cleaner!


All of these items are produced by many different brands but some can connect directly to your Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant. From home security to daily routines, check out these items to assist you in living a “smarter” life!

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