Our local La Plata County real estate market continues to evolve in this new year. Compiling these numbers allows us to compare and contrast month over month and year over year to see trends and interpret where the market might be headed.
In February 2023, there were 48 sales which is 18 less than in February 2022 but 13 more than in January 2023. Although starting slower than in 2021 and 2022, we expect to see sales continue to increase going into spring and summer. Of the 83 sales this year so far, the median sold price is now $529,500 which is a 4.5% decrease from February 2022 and 13% less than the 2022 overall median.
As of February 28th, there were 139 active listings which are up 31% from February last year. The price category with the most listing is $2,000,001+ with 27 listings while another 53 are priced in between $400,001 and $800,000. There are 75 listings currently under contract.
We are excited to see where this year goes in our real estate market and would love to assist you with any questions or on your real estate journey.